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Weapon Filter

This page will show 5 different sections. Press "Show More" to view more info cards in the category you are in. In this filter, All Weapon Info Cards will be organized by rarity; followed by alphabetical order.

Once a new weapon gets released into the real game, it will take 5 or fewer days for me to create and release that weapon's info card.

Important notes on all Weapon info cards:

- All weapon abilities with a cause & effect will often require the wielder to be on-field to trigger it. An exception would be that if the cause & effect ability mentions that it can trigger even if the wielder is off-field.

- When a buff ability has multiple stacks with a timer, obtaining 1 stack will refresh the duration of all stacks, unless it mentions that each stack has independent durations.

As such of those 2 above notes, additional words are applied to all Weapon info cards. This is because that it works like this in-game, but the game does not tell about these important notes.

You can view different sections for the following weapon cards:

    - Swords    (Total: 42)

    - Claymores    (Total: 35)

    - Polearms    (Total: 31)

    - Catalysts    (Total: 38)

    - Bows    (Total: 38)


1-2 Star Weapons are within the Legends section. They are not included on the above 5 sections.

* You can read all Legends listed below for indications of certain materials.


A list of all Sword Weapons. These are organized by alphabetical order based on their names. (Total 5-star: 11, Total 4-star: 23, Total 3-star: 7)


A list of all Claymore Weapons. These are organized by alphabetical order based on their names. (Total 5-star: 8, Total 4-star: 22, Total 3-star: 5)


A list of all Polearm Weapons. These are organized by alphabetical order based on their names. (Total 5-star: 9, Total 4-star: 19, Total 3-star: 3)


A list of all Catalyst Weapons. These are organized by alphabetical order based on their names. (Total 5-star: 11, Total 4-star: 21, Total 3-star: 6)


A list of all Bow Weapons. These are organized by alphabetical order based on their names. (Total 5-star: 9, Total 4-star: 23, Total 3-star: 5)

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