View a wide collection of Character Build cards from Genshin Impact on this page. Click the build card to view its details. Press "Show More" to view more info cards in the category you are in. All Character Build Cards are organized in alphabetical order. It will focus on providing sample builds on what you build effectively as each character's needs can be different from others.
Once a new character gets released into the real game, it will take 10 or fewer days for me to create and release that character's build card.
Keep in mind that while certain character build cards have a rating, it does not mean that you should follow for the best as everyone has their own favorites. A character with a low rating can potentially be useful with the right units and by playing them properly. The rating system is only considered for those that would like either an easier gameplay, but also being able to deal the highest DMG, especially for Spiral Abyss cases.
Each character will have 5 ratings with each of them tied to a role that are used.
Main DPS: A character on-field that focuses on dealing a lot of high DMG.
Sub-DPS: A character off-field that can help deal DMG or easily trigger Elemental Reactions, especially pairing with another character that is a Main DPS.
Support: A character that can grant buffs to the team, healing, or shields that can assist.
Co-Op: A character's main use of DMG, Elemental DMG, and such in a Co-Op where they can only control 1 character and may synergize with Co-Op units.
Exploration: A character that can quickly move fast, fly high, quickly solve puzzles, and more.
Top Selective Weapons will label up some of the solid weapons that synergize with their kit to effectively boost up their DMG or utilities. Some weapons labeled may have "Not Recommended" attached. This attachment means that the weapon can still be used and it will do powerful work, but it may be better to utilize the weapon to another character that can greatly uses it.
All info cards may be subject to change at any time!!!
Page Updated Since: 2/7/2025
- Added Mizuki (5-star) Build Card [located on Permanent 5-star chars.
- Updated Citlali and Sucrose's Build Cards.
- Added Mavuika (5-star), Citlali (5-star), Lan Yan (4-star), and Pyro Traveler.
- Added Chasca (5-star) and Ororon (4-star).
- Updated Clorinde, Keqing, and Gaming's Build Cards.
- Added Xilonen (5-star).
- Added Mualani (5-star), Kinich (5-star), and Kachina (4-star).
There are different sections to view character cards:
- Limited 5-Star Characters
- Permanent 5-Star Characters
- ALL 4-Star Characters
- Traveler Info Cards
- Collaborative Characters

Limited 5-Star Characters
A list of many 5-Star Characters that can only be obtained from specific Character Event wishes. These are organized in alphabetical order based on their names.

Permanent 5-Star Characters
A list of all 5-Star Characters that can only be obtained from Character Event or Standard wishes randomly at any time. These are organized in alphabetical order based on their names.

All 4-Star Characters
A list of all 4-Star Characters that are obtained from any wishes randomly. Specific characters may get a rate-up during specific character wishes. However; Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa are only available in the Standard wishes and Paimon's Bargains. Those 3 characters also do not have a rate-up. These are organized in alphabetical order based on their names.

Traveler Info Cards
All Traveler Info Cards. They are organized base on the order of elements the Traveler get throughout the story.

Collaborative Characters
A list of Characters from collabs that can only be obtained from certain durations. These are organized in alphabetical order based on their names.