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Action Cards

Read over a full set of all Action cards in Genshin's Trading Card Game here. Click the info card to view its details. Press "Show More" to view more info cards in the category you are in.

Once a set of new cards gets released into the real game, it will take within 5 or fewer days for me to create and release such info cards.

All info cards may be subject to change at any time as the game provides balancing changes each version!!!

Page Updated Since:   8/24/2024

        - Added 7 new action cards. (View new cards category for more info)

        - Added 6 new action cards.

        - Added 14 new action cards.

        - Added 7 new action cards.

There are different sections to view TCG cards:

    - Weapon Cards    (Total: 41)

    - Artifact Cards    (Total: 43)

    - Technique Cards    (Total: 3)

    - Support Item Cards    (Total: 8)

    - Support Companion Cards    (Total: 28)

    - Support Location Cards    (Total: 22)

    - Event Food Cards    (Total: 15)

    - Event Resonance Cards    (Total: 14)

    - Arcane Legend Cards    (Total: 9)

    - Other Cards    (Total: 40)

All Total Action Cards: 223

* You can read all Legends listed below for indications about the Genshin TCG.

Weapon Cards

All Playable Weapon Cards. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names. Characters that wield "Other" weapons can not equip Weapon cards.

Artifact Cards

All Playable Artifact Cards. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

Technique Cards

All Playable Technique Cards, not including those that are from character's kit. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

Support Item Cards

All Playable Support Item Cards. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

Support Companion Cards

All Playable Support Companion Cards. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

Support Location Cards

All Playable Support Location Cards. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

Event Food Cards

All Playable Event Food Cards. Such Event Cards are consumable cards and are usually one-time use. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

Event Resonance Cards

All Playable Event Resonance Cards. Such Event Cards are consumable cards and are usually one-time use. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

Arcane Legend Cards

All Playable Arcane Legend Cards. Only 1 Arcane Legend Card can be played throughout the entire game and those cards will always be in your starting hand unless you equipped more than 5. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

Other Cards

All Other Event Cards. Such Event Cards are consumable cards and are usually one-time use. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

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