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Relic Cards

View a list of Relic info cards from Honkai Star Rail on this page. Click the info card to view its details. Press "Show More" to view more info cards in the category you are in. All Relic Info Cards are organized in alphabetical order.

Once a new Relic Set gets released into the real game, it will take 10 or fewer days for me to create and release that Light Cone's info card.

Info cards in this website have been compressed to conserve memory for this website.

All info cards may be subject to change at any time!!!

Page Updated Since:   6/17/2024

        - Added 4 new Relic sets for version 2.3.

        - Added new Relic sets.

There are 2 different sections to view Relics:

- Cavern Relics

- Planar Ornaments

* All cards are in alphabetical order.

* Below will first list any legends that can be helpful on Relics.

All 5-Star Cavern Relics

All 5-Star Cavern Relics. These are organized in alphabetical order based on their names.

All 5-Star Planar Ornaments

All 5-Star Planar Ornaments. These are organized in alphabetical order based on their names.

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