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NPC Cards

Read over a full set of all Non-playable Character cards in Genshin's Trading Card Game here. Click the info card to view its details. Press "Show More" to view more info cards in the category you are in.

Once a set of new cards gets released into the real game, it will take within 15 or fewer days for me to create and release such info cards.

All info cards may be subject to change at any time as the game provides balancing changes each version!!!

Page Updated Since:   8/29/2024

        - Added 1 new NPC card: Tainted Hydro Phantasm.

        - Added 1 new NPC card: Eremite Daythunder.

        - Added 4 new NPC cards: Forms of Annihilation Specialist Mek and Arithmetic Enhancer Mek.

        - Added 1 new NPC card: Electro Samachurl.


There are different sections to view TCG cards:

    - NPC Cards    (Total: 56 [+4 different forms*])

    - Special NPC Cards    (Total: 2+)

* Different forms are those that other NPC characters can enter by certain effects of passive.

* You can read all Legends listed below for indications about the Genshin TCG.

NPC Cards

All Non-Playable Character Cards. These are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

Special NPC Cards

All Special Character Cards with changeable abilities or passives on certain Adventure Duels or NPC battles (PvE).

The following Character Cards will have extra passives when fighting them as NPCs in certain battles:

This passive is granted to:
Electro Hypostasis, Maguu Kenki, Jadeplume Terrorshroom, Rhodeia of Loch, Thundering Manifestation, Dvalin, Azhdaha, and La Signora.
Resistant Form [Passive]: This unit is immune to all effects of Frozen, Petrification, or any kind of stun abilities.

This passive is granted to: Rhodeia of Loch.
Elemental Lifeform: Hydro [Passive]: This unit is always affected by Hydro and it is immune to Hydro DMG.

This passive is granted to: Electro Hypostasis, Thundering Manifestation.
Elemental Lifeform: Electro [Passive]: This unit is always affected by Electro and it is immune to Electro DMG.

This passive is granted to: Maguu Kenki.
Terrormask's Return [Passive]: End of Phase:
Switch your units to Maguu Kenki if another of your units is the active unit.

This passive is granted to: Thundering Manifestation.
Rolling Thunder [Passive]: 
This unit will do +1 more DMG to opponents with Lightning Rod.

This passive is granted to:
Collapsing Platform [Passive]: End of Phase: Apply Total Collapse to the active opponent.

Total Collapse [Debuff]: (Usages: 1) The unit with this debuff that takes Physical or Anemo 
        DMG will take +2 more DMG.

This passive is granted to: Azhdaha.
Stone Facets: Elemental Summoning [Passive]: End of Phase: Based on the Elemental Type already absorbed by this character, he switch to another element absorbed. He will absorb Hydro if he was Electro or none, Cryo if he was Hydro, Pyro if he was Cryo, and Electro if he was Pyro.

This passive is granted to: La Signora.
Incandescent Frost Permeating [Passive]: End of Phase: Apply Sheer Cold or Blazing Heat to the active opponent based on Signora's state. If her state is Cryo, she will also lose -1 Energy.

These Special NPC Character Cards below are quite different than the playable Character Cards, having even more unique passives or buffs granted that only appear in Adventure Duels or Tavern Challenges. They are organized in alphabetical order based on the Character names.

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